Hostal Sport, for us, is home. A welcoming and familiar space in the heart of Falset with whom we have been working for almost a decade.
From Monné Comunicació we coordinate the MKT and the communication of this century-old establishment: updating the website, creating content for the blog, managing social networks, generating newsletters, organizing corporate events, creating promotional campaigns... We meet monthly with the management to plan the most suitable campaigns to achieve the set objectives.
The first post-pandemic summer, we were told the need to attract local customers, due to the restrictions that, at that time, did not allow travel from outside Catalonia.
As a response, we created the Estiueja campaign , reinforced with a photographic report and storytelling that proposed to the target audience to relive those summers when they were children.
Summer v. intr. To spend the summer somewhere, usually different from where you usually live
Summer is feeling at home without being there. It has to do with stopping, resting in a specific, familiar, safe place. Dedicate the holidays to "dolce far niente", forget the slides and double checks on the list of monuments to visit. Traveling is movement, and we all know that this will be a summer to free ourselves from the urge to go far, from the rush to see everything. Estiuejar is a static verb, of the here and now, of enjoying the present. It's moving one day into a house that isn't yours but you feel it like a second home. It's doing nothing, finally, for ten days, and enjoying it with your family. It's the year to go down south, to get to know a place thoroughly and to end up being part of it.